Organizational Profile

Organization Info

Job Training Center of Tehama County
718 Main Street
Red Bluff, CA, United States

Phone: 5305297000
Web Site:

Organization Description:

The Job Training Center is a private, nonprofit organization in Tehama County whose mission is to provide unlimited employment opportunities to job seekers as well as providing hiring, training and human resource assistance to local businesses. We are invested in community and economic development initiatives that benefit the business community and the workforce.

The Job Training Center is part of a nation-wide system that provides job search and career development services through a trained staff and a welcoming career center open to the public. Whether its career exploration, job search, lay-off assistance or connections to employers with current job leads, the career center is a single point of contact for all workforce development needs.

Critical to our work is a strong relationship with the business community. We are proud to provide access to qualified employees, customized recruitment activities, business workshops, labor market information, Human Resource assistance and training for employees. Businesses are the backbone of Tehama County, and the Job Training Center strives to keep them informed, stable and growing.

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